REI educational materials up for grabs

REI educational materials up for grabs

It's been over a year since I've been in the real estate game and I have some of Dean's educational materials that I don't need anymore. (See links.) I'm posting here to see if anyone can tell me the best place to offer these for sale, and for how much. I have no idea what they're worth, and I don't have any use for them anymore.


P.S. My signature says I'm a Realtor. That's not the case anymore -- I'll have to change that.


Real Estate One
Grand Rapids, MI


WHY are you selling?

How much?

3 yrs after you joined DG Family and you were a REA, not married and no kids, WHAT has changed?

You only posted 2yrs ago, 47 wks ago and 4 HOURS ago.

Are you OK? Find another line of Work?

Or did you just Quit like 96% of the rest of them?

Happy Holidays!


Mike Free tools

seems as if he is a realtor

I have no idea how much they are worth myself. Sorry! Just put a price of what you think they are and sell on Craigslist or amazon, even ebay perhaps!

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