Writing my own offers

Writing my own offers


I am new to the site and just finished up the first two books. I am having a problem though with my real estate agent I am working with. When i put in an offer he only sends them if he thinks they are good enough, I am finding this issue with a few of them. I know its a good idea to keep looking but i would like to learn what "Paper work" they are doing for the offer. Is there a template i should use for my offers? I forgot to add these are for REO properties I have a handle on putting offers in for FSBO its just working with banks and REOs they always seem to want "Paper work" for the offer.

Any help would be wonderful thank you


Real Estate Agents

Hi David

Finding the Right Real Estate Agent has been one of My BIGGEST obstacles in Real Estate. I've been through 5 agents, But I've FINALLY found someone who is going along with and believes in what I'm trying to accomplish. It's difficult for many of them to grasp the concept behind what you're doing. Real Estate agents often like to do things their way, rather than your way.

My advice?? When you meet the agent in person you should have a clear cut picture with what you are trying to accomplish, and how it benefits both you and THEM. Let them know that you'll be purchasing a limitless amount a property and you're looking for an agent to stand by your side through your whole career. Let them know that it might take a while to get things going, but once you guys have a system worked things will run smoothly and effortlessly. So patience on their part is a Must.

When I met my agent I walked in her office Confident and knowing what I am trying to accomplish. Because I was confident, she was confident as well. I laid out exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. I let her know that I would be making all the calls when it came to deciding what to offer and how to negotiate. BUT, I would also be an open book to suggestions and information and any other advice she had to offer me. After all, she is a Real estate agent. I think this is the best relationship to have with your agent. You're the Boss (which allows you to stay the course), but you're open to advice along the way.

So try this approach to finding your perfect Re Agent. It might take time, but It'll be worth it in the long run.



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"

writing my own offers

Thank you Jordan for the advice on writing your own offers. I will have the confidence to do what I've never done before. This time I will take action. Thanks again, Loria Gathings