A Rude Buyer ( Heres what I E-mailed Them Back ) .......LOL

A Rude Buyer ( Heres what I E-mailed Them Back ) .......LOL

Ok I received A E-mail from A Buyer that I Requested From A " WE BUY HOMES" website . I Received A E-mail from them , Claiming if I was Vaild I would sent Credentials & I'm Obviously A Scam Or Fake ..

So heres What I E-mailed Back to them
Dear, Buyer

Assigning Property Isn't A Scam its been done by many Real estate Investors through out the years I've done my reaseach , What Credential's do you need cause I've done deals with Real estate Agents that have done Assignments & they have never ask for A Credential . & I've done at least 3 Deals without Needing Credential's & Never been ask for one & Usually the person I'm dealing with Usually Knows exactly what I'm Doing when I tell them that I'm Assigning A Deal Or Property , I've came across many Real Estate Agents that Have done Assignments before & none have never asked me for A Credential .

A Credential been asked by A Buyer ( You ) would be unusual I would think A Real Estate Agent would ask for Credential's since they are licesened Not Someone I'm asking to Buy A property Unless you Are A Real Estate Agent Or A Real Estate Attorney thats licesened You shouldn't need a Credential In order to Buy 2 Properties from A Real Estate Investor .

I do have The Information on The Properties I'm selling , & I can send you Credential's If you need them , But this is the first time I've ever been ask for Credential's from Some one I've Requested For buying Property .

I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to Understand why? you're Needing Credential's to buy Property from A Real Estate Investor ???.


Do I Need Credential's to do Real Estate ?

Has any of you ever been asked for Credential's just to Sell A Contract over to A Buyer ??? please let me know cause I'm curious to know why this Company or guy over the company wants credential's ???

I hopefully kept Nice & Sweet

I responded I hope Nice & sweet to His e-mail on Credential's even though I could had gotten ugly , i kept it as sweet as I can due to him possibly been A buyer that'll buy A Property from me . I'm just trying to Understand why? he needs Credential's to buy property from A Real Estate Investor .

I think

That a lot of people follow codes. Like a GPS, they only do things like an automation. Go from point A to point B and follow this track; even if there is a road block that is the only way they know how, i think that people who ask for credentials are not secure entirely. A pharmacist was caught last year or so who had been diluting a patient's medication for over six years. So credentialling does not necessarily mean anything. I think Dean is legitimate. He knows his stuff better than any real estate person i have ever come accross, otherwise, he will not be where he is right now. He is just trying to teach us be like him. We do not need credentials for this. Knowledge is all we need. Person could have credentials still mess up.


He probably was not a legitimate buyer and was looking at you as his competition and was trying to discourage you. You should have replied "If anyone needs to provide credentials, it would be you (the buyer) providing me with a proof of funds. My credential would be an accepted offer with an assignment clause. If you would be interested in looking at any deals I have, please provide me with proof of funds. Otherwise, I will assume you are not a legitimate buyer and move on. Thank you very much." Or you could have said "Are you telling me that if I presented you with a signed accepted offer I wanted to assign that would net you $20,000, you would be concerned about my credentials?" When you replied to him, you tried to justify your position to him, a sign of weakness letting him control the situation. By using one of my replies, you stay in control and turn the tables on him. If you wanted to assign a potentially profitable contract to any legitimate buyer, he would not accuse you of being a scam. It's just not the way business is done. But him in the naysayer dream stealer category.

I Was Thinking the Same thing

I went back & read his e-mail & thought the same thing as you just said he possibly isn't a legit buyer , & i'm like why would A buyer need a credential from a investor anyway I Never heard of such BS ..........LOL.

& I'm like I may just try to do A Real Estate Auction to find buyers to buy my homes
But he maybe try to steal my dream but I'm the type i do look for other ways to make it.

& Obviously he was trying to nit pick at me , probably scared i may take his clients.............lol

TRSD wrote:
He probably was not a legitimate buyer and was looking at you as his competition and was trying to discourage you. You should have replied "If anyone needs to provide credentials, it would be you (the buyer) providing me with a proof of funds. My credential would be an accepted offer with an assignment clause. If you would be interested in looking at any deals I have, please provide me with proof of funds. Otherwise, I will assume you are not a legitimate buyer and move on. Thank you very much." Or you could have said "Are you telling me that if I presented you with a signed accepted offer I wanted to assign that would net you $20,000, you would be concerned about my credentials?" When you replied to him, you tried to justify your position to him, a sign of weakness letting him control the situation. By using one of my replies, you stay in control and turn the tables on him. If you wanted to assign a potentially profitable contract to any legitimate buyer, he would not accuse you of being a scam. It's just not the way business is done. But him in the naysayer dream stealer category.


Good stuff, TRSD. Im keeping yr response for future referance. kanzaz88, though you were kind, kept it with an open door(so nice), Its true what TRSD says, EXACTLY! There will always be what I like to call, sharks...Do what Dean does and be like a duck..let it run off yr back like water...YOU WERE STILL RIGHT! They probably had NO RESPONSE.

Thanks to both of you for these posts, it helps us for future referance.


Tomorrow is what you BELIEVE and DO today!

Update He Responded Back to me

The guy responded back to me saying hes sorry & do I still have the property up for sell ........LMAO But I just E-mailed another person that could possibly help me sell my homes so I'm not even worrying about him I don't have time for fools I'm trying to sell my homes & get money to pay my bills & get my own place hell I have No time for BS.