how accurate is zwillow z estamites??

how accurate is zwillow z estamites??

I have heard mixed opinions wondered what dean followers thought about it from their experiences.


No ones gunna give it to ya. Ya hafta take it.


Don't know, good question, would like to know that for myself as well.


Do not Rely on Zestimates

Zillow can be very useful in Researching an individual property. It can often tell you what's for sale, how much a property sold for, the size and sq footage of a property, Bed and Baths...But it's not always accurate. Once in a while i'm sure the Zestimates are right on, but DO NOT RELY ON THEM for your comparisons.

YOU SHOULD have your realtor send you properties that have recently sold in the same neighborhood as the property you're researching. That should give you an idea of what the property is worth and how much equity is in that House....That's the best way to find out whether or not you have a deal lying in front of you

Good Luck



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"

great place to start

it will definitely give you a good ballpark figure of what the property is worth, but you still have to do a better estimate if you're considering investing in a property.
Get prices of about 6-10 properties within a mile that have sold (not listed for sale)within the last 90 days that are similar to the one you're looking at; i.e. square footage, # of rooms, condition, etc. You can then get the average price of what the property you're looking at is worth.

Happy Investing!



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"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

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