option agreetment

option agreetment

I have a person want to sale his house.. I want to control it for like 60 or 90 days, put it in market, find out buyer, sale and then get some profit.
Which contract or agreement do I have to use??

thanks for your help.


subject - to

please can someone explain me what the difference between lease option agreement and purchase and sale agreement says I'm going to buy and take over the debt subject to ?? and if both are assignable ??

thanks to all for your help


I would just start with an option agreement at the lowest price you can get and start finding a cash buyer. Time kills deals if he's talking to you he most likely is talking to someone else. Now that you have control of the deal educate yourself on sub2 so you can properly present it to the seller.


Michael Del Prete

im having the same issue

I have a lady who owns her property free n clear! Which form do i use to do a lease agreement with her?

I have a tenant buyer that will take over this agreement for much higher of a price than i have with seller..but which form do i use with the tenant buyer?

I want to set this up where i will recieve money up front the middle and the end?


Dwanell Warren