FSBO offer question

FSBO offer question

Hi everybody I got stuck so decided to post this question in case anyone else needed the answer too. When making my offer to a FSBO, what do I say to them after finding out they have little or no equity to wholesale the deal? I obviously can't low-ball them and I definitely don't want to offer close to asking price either. I apologize if it has already been ask, I couldn't find it. Thanks, Donny.


You can offer to lease

You can offer to lease option, depending on their situation. Good luck!


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

FSBO offer

If the numbers do not work they don't work. Just let them know that you went over the numbers and they do not work out for what they need for the property and thank them for their time.


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Thank you guys!

Eroberts, that was the answer I needed! So simple yet so true.

Mouse2106, in my scenario the exit strategy was to wholesale but still an excellent suggestion for upside-down folks. Laughing out loud

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