My first Contract

My first Contract

For those needing help with contracts...I gotta tell you that is one of the reasons that I am glad I joined the academy. I called and had them walk me through the first one, faxing it back and forth until I got it right.....yet another good reason to pay for the help. If you really intend to finish this race ...IE ...get 5 deals this year. I joined because I want 10 houses this year. So for seemed like the right thing to do to help streamline my focus and help motivate me to earn my money BACK.


BUILD your knowledge is your ARSENAL to wage war against disbelief and the negativity of the status quo. You need your weapons......It's your choice whether you carry them or not.
Build Relationships and open the door to opportunities that could once only be dreamed of......never take those relationships for granted.
Don't let EXCUSES be the nails that keep you INSIDE the box.