Forms/Contracts You NEED to have

Forms/Contracts You NEED to have

Make copies of your forms and contracts and USE them EVERY time you look @ a house or talk with buyers/sellers/investors- STAY ORGANIZED and FOLLOW UP

you should have compiled:

buyer/investor forms

seller info forms or lead sheet

property evaluation forms/and inspection sheet

maximum offer form/worksheet

LOI, letter of intent for making offers (or use 1 page purchase agreement)

contracts- for buy/sell, assignment, cash flow analysis for rentals, lease,

move in/move out forms

If you dont have these above forms/contracts, get them , make copies and USE them as it makes everything easier to ask and gather info needed-because you cant remember all ??'s to ask when you're starting out

If you cant find them, click my username, this takes you to my profile page, then click 'track' button and find forms.

Some of these are in "Student Resources" on left.


Mike Free tools

Good to know!

I too, am just getting going. I hadn't a clue (though it's no surprise, really) that so many forms would be needed. I wonder if there is a way to keep all the information in an online format? Then just have it handy to print off when needed. I for one, have an i.p.o.d. (Individual paper organizational disorder).



just another step u need to take

Poetman wrote:
I too, am just getting going. I hadn't a clue (though it's no surprise, really) that so many forms would be needed. I wonder if there is a way to keep all the information in an online format? Then just have it handy to print off when needed. I for one, have an i.p.o.d. (Individual paper organizational disorder).




Mike Free tools

have all

these yet?


Mike Free tools

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