To succeed, you have to be willing to change YOU!

To succeed, you have to be willing to change YOU!

This whole journey for me has been about overcoming obstacles and things that stand in my way. Because, truth be told, REI is about rebuilding who YOU are and reprogramming your thinking. Knowledge and learning all the techniques in the world from Dean, or anyone else, will NOT be enough. You have to look inside yourself, really examine yourself, be HONEST with yourself and find a way to build a success mindset. Without the reprogrammed mindset, you will be one of the 96-98% that do NOT make it. If you haven't yet, READ or RE READ Totally Fulfilled, and do ALL the exercises in there; really dig DEEP to see where your obstacles and problems lies. (and you DO have them, or you'd be the perfect weight, have no problem achieving success, would accomplish everything you set out to do, etc) Then, instead of letting those obstacles and problems hinder you, turn them around into opportunities to overcome and solve.

Many of you know my journey. I've had many more downs than ups. I've struggled this whole journey with various things that would hold other's back. I didn't do it by keeping the old mentality I had. I didn't achieve it just by learning the new techniques, although they were valuable and taught me the knowledge I need, what I had to do is overcome the obstacles, fears, and blocks standing in my way from using that knowledge.

For example, I'd always believed, because it was instilled in me for years and years, that I will never amount to anything in life and that everything I did was wrong or not good enough. I had to reprogram those thoughts to ' My possibilities are endless because I am strong, persistent, determined, creative, and I will NOT ever give up!' and ' My personality allows me to shine like a star and my integrity and honesty easily wins people over.'

When someone tells me things that include the words 'can't', 'impossible', and 'never or always', I've turned my thinking around to where that MOTIVATES me to prove them wrong, and I go out and continue doing it; even if I fail. I've learned the only thing to be afraid of is NOT doing enough to achieve the success I am striving for. I choose not to believe the negative things said to me.

Unless you learn how to overcome yourself and use your obstacles, failures and problems as learning opportunities and building blocks to your success, you will be one of the 96-98% that give up or slowly fade away.

I will be a work in progress until I die. And that is how you have to look at this journey. It isn't just 'I want to make money in REI'. Its knowing your true, deep seated, heartfelt why, and reminding yourself of it in EVERYTHING you do so you don't lose sight of the real reason you're on this journey!

Every day in EVERY way I am getting BETTER AND BETTER! I feel healthy! I feel happy! I feel TERRIFIC! I AM A CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [What you repeatedly say, you become and you begin to LIVE.. it reprograms the negatives you have lingering in your sub conscious and destroys them Laughing out loud )



Way to go Walt! Tony, going well!

Always build that mindset!

Tony, I'm doing good with my new direction in real estate and life. Less deals, more profit, more time for kids and me. Doing gymnastics and things I couldn't even do as a kid (back handsprings and I flip more than houses now, I flip myself! Sticking out tongue. Lost 88lbs! Bringing sexy back! And getting good at jiu jitsu! Continuing to build the best me I can be!

It is certain I will be the Best me!


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