Physical vs. Mental

Physical vs. Mental

Hello Everyone,

This is a little off topic, topic that should be discussed. We all know that being in the right mindset will help us increase our business, but being physically fit also makes a difference in our business. Studies have shown that physically fit people work harder and in most cases are smarter than those who do not take care of themselves. I have to admit real estate is a physical activity. When I was an agent and looking for business we would walk neighborhoods knocking on doors for business and let me tell you a lot of the times I was beat. Putting your needs first before your business is something you need to think about. The more energy you have, the better you feel and look, will have a positive outcome on your business. Because, you are able to do more and exercising makes people happy. My point is get yourself in the right physical and mental state to get your business to the next level. I want all of you to do something today to increase your physical activity and tie it to your business, like I did with door knocking. Have fun with this business because it is fun. Always find ways to increase your energy. Mental energy is talked about all the time, so let’s not forget about the physical. We should have our mental match our physical.

Good luck and stay healthy my friends....

