IF you are NOT using the FORMS, you are NOT getting the info you NEED to evaluate the deal to KNOW, IF, it's a Deal! (negotiating the price/repair cost will play)
You ARE wasting ALOT of TIME. (Time = the most VALUEABLE commodity we have). HOW much TIME do YOU have in YOUR Life. If we only knew.
If you're here as a 'newbie' and trying to get ahead, you CAN'T fly by the seat of your pants and try to "fake it 'till you make it'.
You need to 'qualify' the Seller, Buyer, Investor and property.
TO do this properly, you HAVE to use the FORMS. EVERYTIME!!!!
Yeah, I know ... "WHAT Forms"???
Buyer info sheet
RTO forms
Inspection sheet = how much repairs needed. Now or later.
Maximum OFFER FORMULA sheet
CONTRACTS for BUY or SELL (2 different)
It is really SIMPLE - just organized and review forms and USE them EVERYTIME.
Depending on any deal, other contracts may be needed.
On the Left of this page is "Student Resources". Forms/Docs
Use the 'search box' under Dean's chin and type in 'forms' and hit enter. or any keywords to find what you need.
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
USE the FORMS!!!
or WASTE your time and everyone else and look stupid!
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools