Matt talks about breaking down things into goals we can handle.
Let's look at making $100,000 a year. That breaks down to $8300 a month.
That breaks down to two deals a month. Using the 25:1 formula we would make 50 offers per month.
If we take a day a week off from offers we would have 25 day a month to make our offers. That is two offers a day.
Dont't procrastinate. Get out two quality offers a day.
It works.
Roy Voeks Official RE Coach
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Matt talks about breaking down things into goals we can handle.
Let's look at making $100,000 a year. That breaks down to $8300 a month.
That breaks down to two deals a month. Using the 25:1 formula we would make 50 offers per month.
If we take a day a week off from offers we would have 25 day a month to make our offers. That is two offers a day.
Dont't procrastinate. Get out two quality offers a day.
It works.
Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach