
All About RoyVoeks

Roy Voeks
About Me: 

I am a happily married father of six and grandfather of one. I have been a real estate investor since my college years at Brigham Young University. I have been involved as an investor of tax liens for several years as well. I have bought and sold many rental properties through the years and continue to wholesale properties on a regular basis.

I am convinced that a great buyer's list and the ability to make many of the "right" type of offers each week is the key to success. I also believe in staying balanced as a person. We need the proper balance of work, play, rest and spiritual to be happy.

I love BYU sports. I also enjoy my family and the time I spend with each of them.

Topics I've Participated In

Hello Everyone! Michstan1927 years 1 week ago
Only YOU can change YOUR situation in Life reinvestor42817 years 12 weeks ago
Help for New Folks in Building a Buyer's List RoyVoeks29 years 1 week ago
Donna's road to Success Donna Doo4809 years 20 weeks ago
Understand Your Contracts RoyVoeks79 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Its Been So Long's picture

How did you get all the medals. I've been trying like crazy to get some kind of medal. What do you have to do?

Nice Bio

keb64's picture

Hi Roy
Thank you for doing your bio so fast. I know that the people that go look at it now will see the person they talk too more clearly...Have you been to any of the edge events?


Phishtrey's picture

found a property,want to flip it. DOnt know How to work the paperwork? can someone help me please.

filling out the contracts

dminlow's picture

Eric wrote to me
Do you have access the advisory line? The question about how to fill out contracts can be a little involved so it would easiest to talk about it. so call us if you can. If not just reply and let me know and we can figure something out.
I did call the advisory line and they walked me though filling out the contracts I hope this helps Diana


Hi Roy, I am also a canadian looking to buy usa realestate but wondering about getting morgages in the usa. I you have suggestions for that I would love to hear it.


Great Discussion Starter

CR Coulson's picture

We wanted to reach out and thank you for the great discussion starter on Helping Newbies Find Buyers. We're new to this site and to Dean's methods but we're both working hard to soak everything in and to do what it takes to get the job done!

We look forward to the opportunity to keep in touch and possibly meet one day! We love making new contacts and learning about others' successes.

Stay well and balanced!
-Chris and Rachael Coulson
Denver, CO

Money for deals

Hi Roy,
I am interested in the information for money for my deals can you forward the information to me please. ericawill1220@cox.net
thank you for your time

Private money lenders

eternal's picture

Hi: Roy perhaps you been very busy and missed my message
that I sent on 1/21/14. I would like the info that you said you
have on private lenders please. Thank you.

Private Lenders

Mdutilly's picture

Would be interested in knowing more about your money source.

Hard Money Lenders

fitman48's picture

Hi Roy, Its folks like you that refresh a persons idea of his fellow man and DG'r...I'm just getting started and would absolutely appreciate the info for HML"s...

Thank You Roy


Money for Deals

I am a Canadian searching for money for deals in the US. I currently own property in the US and want to expand my investing into larger Multi Family complexes.

Thank you Roy!
Dan V.

Hello Roy

Just stopping by your page to say "HI'

Best wishes in your investing business.

My favorite quote of today "No matter what comes your way, shake it off and move forward. When you have a positive mindset, you can't be defeated."- Joel Osteen