Furnace Conditions

Furnace Conditions

Many times I have been asked: How can you tell if the furnace is in good working condition or when does it need to be replaced.
When you are looking at the furnace look at some of the burner problems that you may likely encounter:

1. In operative

2. Scorching

3. Pour flame color or pattern

4. Flame waivers when house fan comes on

5. Rust

6. Dirt or soot

7. Delayed ignition

8. Gas odor or leak

9. Short cycling

Since it's not your role to be a troubleshooter or a technician for all of these problems I would recommend servicing of the furnace anytime you buy a new property.



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check the filter

furnace filters are suppose to be replaced every six months, and it's recommended to get furnaces serviced yearly. Don't depend on your tenants to do this; however, they will call you if the furnace stops working!
You do need a professional to service furnaces, it costs approximately $80-$100, but a new furnace can cost you 10 times that amount...




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