Deans Edge Event - I can't Wait

Deans Edge Event - I can't Wait

I hope everybody is signed up to go to Deans Edge event this month. If not follow this link to get signed up right now to go:

I went to the Edge last year and it rocked my world of how I think and how I now do my business. I have changed more in the last year than I have in the previous 7 with my business.

My most difficult thing I have had to change is my mindset. This event was life changing for me and I can't wait to go this year.

Post on here if your planning on going and your feelings about the Edge event good or bad. This will help people see how amazing it is and they need to go.



I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at: