Setting Goals

Setting Goals

Setting goals is a vital part of making your real estate business successful. It is important to write these goals down, and have them in a place where you can constantly see them. When setting your goals, include the following:
1. Goals you cannot already accomplish.
2. what's the cost?
3. Date to be accomplieshed.

I like to set weekly, monthly and yearly goals. my weekly and monthly goals coinside with my yearly goals so that as I complete them, it gets me closer to my 12 month goals.

Once you set these goals, it will be your road-map for success. Your actions in your business should always be doing something to acomplish the goals you set for yourself.


Very true

Very true about the connections in goals and how to achieve them with mini goals in between


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-

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