A little help from Mom.

A little help from Mom.

OK, I'm going to come totally clean here. I've been with all of you for about 5 years now and, this is going to hurt, I have not done my first deal yet. I have the knowledge, I have the skills, but I don't have the courage to take the action necessary to do what I need to do. I have a fear of what people are going to think of me. I went over to my mothers about a week ago to visit and she said she had something for me. Now understand, she dose not know anything about what I'm trying to do. She handed me a booklet from 1977 that I used to get monthly when I had a paper route, The Grit. She said, "look at page 12". I opened to that page and there I was, 14 years old and a star salesman, I was the only star salesman in the state of Vt. I don't remember this, but I remember having the paper rout. I didn't make a whole lot of money but I was vary proud of what I did. I sold 125 papers every week, on bike, on foot, and when the weather got bad in the winter my mom would drive me around in the car. So I'm thinking, if I could just get that little boy's attitude back of, what ever it takes, I could really make this happen. So I have this booklet on my desk open to that page so I can see it every day. So keep your eyes, and ears open, you never know where, or when the inspiration you need will appear.

Thank you


Ed that is awesome

and Ed you can do it! As the saying goes, "JUST DO IT' Just start putting out signs and talking to sellers! Best wishes star salesman!


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That's so me

Funny how the world is so small. I did the same thing in VA and was the top carrier in Roanoke county. Had three areas and worked at a BK in Roanoke after I was done with that three days a week as well. It was the backbone of my work skills growing up. I was with DG for two years before I hit my growth mode and now I look back after reading what you posted and say just look at what is possible.. I will be watching you....NOW GO GET SOME

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