You can do real estate with so much free information to help you!

You can do real estate with so much free information to help you!

I ran into a couple at the local mall and they were from the DG website. They asked me how real estate was going and they were getting a little discouraged. I asked why and they stated that they were all excited when they started but over time they lost their drive and went back to their daily jobs. I asked what were the things they were doing and found out that they were not doing enough. They were not building a buyer's list, not looking enough at properties and not making enough offers. They already had the education in real estate, they just needed to apply what they learned and take action.

I believe there are others out there that are in the same position. What is really holding you back if you have the education and the tools. maybe you need to take action and work with what you have today. Your confidence will go a long way. Also there is so much information on the DG website and all over the internet like on You Tube. There is so much available. So do not give up! Today is February 1st and yes January is history, but you can change your life this year because there is 11 more months to reach your goals for 2016. Go make it a great day. Carper diem! Smiling - Stacey

P.S. Any local Floridians be sure to say hello, I would love to hear from you.


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

Up Beat

Stacey love that postive attitude you and Joe have, today is better than yesterday, tomorrow will better than today.We have to look at the end results where are we heading and how quick do we want to get there.Stay on the WHYs, stay busy on the plan, focus,focus,focus and dont take your eye off the goal.We cant one quarter then miss the next because we want to watch the cheerleaders take to the floor and forget the game, we play 4 solid quarters, we play that over and over each day and when we are in the game totally we make the points( deals). We may have to change the game plan from time to time but we play 4 solid quarters and we play to win, either we are in the game or we are not, when we are in we dont loose the focus we are in and dont see outside distractions, we dont have time to, we are completely in tune to the game.When you do all this you dont have time slow down and look around, we play our hearts out and we have fun.We practice and follow through on our game plan each day we play and we play hard.Work the deals and the end result will come.Maybe our team needs to add better players with different talents to help the team move forward, maybe we expect to score without playing the game, we have to play the game, when one thing may not work we try another play, not all defenses are the same we may half to mix up the plays to win the game( different deals mean different solutions to met the situations to get the deal through).Have fun and play ball every day you and play hard, have fun and dont quit, much success, Jim




Well said!!



Hello Stacey (and Joe)

I'm a fellow Floridian and a newbie here. I have checked out your profiles and would really like y'all to check out mine. I live in Palatka and will be working in the St Augustine and Jacksonville areas primarily. I'll keep this short and end with; I love my newly adopted DG family! Duane


Duane Libby

Thanks Stacey

I feel like that couple..I have enough knowledge to make things happen in REI, I just don't DO enough. I'm not consistent, fear holds me back, the daily grind gets in the way..I ask myself, How bad do ya want it? These are my struggles. Maybe I'll join your club.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

Do the thing and you have the POWER.

This is very true and I see it a lot. I was recently at a Tax Lien Training and 70% of the room was in their 50's or older and there were quite a few people I met who would say things like, "Oh I'm so excited for this and can't wait to do a deal. I've heard about real estate 5 years ago and figured now's the time to do something! :D" and it made me a little sad and happy for them because on one hand I'm thinking, 'freakin' A I wonder how long they've been saying that.." but on the other hand I'm thinking, "At least they never quit!" and couldn't find a happy medium.

This business is so simple it's ridiculous. We're in the marketing and sales business above all else. Forget the rehab, property management, and even the debt side of the business. If you can't find deals and negotiate them (sales) then nothing else works. All those other avenues are crucial too but deals are what make it happen and whenever I see people feeling all down about this business I say, "FOCUS ON DEALS AND ALL YOUR TROUBLES WILL GO AWAY." With big eyes too. I've only spent maybe $1,995 or so in my education because I've always found someone I can learn from by doing even if I had to work for free. Talk about speed. Fast and the Furious baby!


Adam Macias


I also enjoyed reading your post. It is always great to be able to work with positive upbeat people. So many real estate investors need that motivation, encouragement and drive to keep going. I was a Cheerleader in High School and College. I believe a cheer from others can help propel people to keep going forward. Have a great day. Smiling - Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

Hey aaron-n-suzy

Have a great day. Smiling - Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

Hey Duane

We are always looking at networking with others. Joe was just in Jacksonville 2 weeks ago visiting some real estate friends. Joe is also on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and he has a You Tube Channel as well. Maybe we can network in the future. Welcome to the DG website. Smiling - Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures


The key to this business is trying to stay motivated and getting things done each day. Even if you only do 1 thing a day that will be 100 things after 100 days. You are right about asking how bad do you want this? That is the key is you stay focused and determined you can do things you thought you might not be able to do. Go make it a great day. As Joe, my husband, always says - Believe and Achieve! Have a great day. Smiling - Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures


Thank you for sharing your insight and observation. Often it is not what someone might pay for the education but what they do with it when they get it. There is so much free great content here on, Google and You Tube. No matter where someone is starting they can get to where there want to be by putting in some time and effort. A goal for everyone reading this is find 10 pieces of FREE information that will help you in the next 30 days with your real estate business. Have a great day. - Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures


Hi Stacey I love reading about you and Joe and really love your attitude and drive, your both really something and I truely mean that with all my heart and soul, Id love to work with you at some point, you both get things done and are all over the world love that so much, sincerely, Jim( your doers and have fun doing it)



thanks Stacey

Thanks Stacey,
Great words of encouragement.
Sometimes its hard to stay motivated and life will sometimes through us some curves, but I try and stay the course and stick with the plan and move forward.
Every day is another step toward success. One step at a time, I'll get there. Smiling


- think about what if? - and what is possible rather what is not Smiling
- Kevin

You can Join my Buyers list:

Stacey, Thank you for helping me feel so welcome

I would love to network with y'all, I'm sure we'll have more conversations in the future. I'm amazed at all I've learned here, and for a total investment of $ 20 so far! Unbelievable! Thank y'all so much DG family!! Duane


Duane Libby