I've been a member of the DG family site for about 2 years. I purchased my first book from Dean in July 2009 while facing some really difficult financial times. After having a bad and confusing 2009, becoming unemployed until Sept 2010, and disappointed at my progress in life I finally said enough is enough. I've had this burning desire in me since I was 17 to find something else that would help my family and I reach stability. I knew it wasn't a J.O.B. and I knew it would only come when I was CHOSE to take action. I buckled down and made a commitment to myself that nothing was going to stand in my way in 2011. This year would be the year I would make that change. I have finally reached my breaking point of being sick and tired of being sick and tired and I took action. What did I do differently? I REMEMBERED MY WHY!! For me it was never about the money in this opportunity it was about who and how I could help others with the money and opportunity I was blessed to look for. I am proud to say that I HAVE TAKEN ACTION! I HAVE STEPPED OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. I have to do today what others don't to have tomorrow what others won't...


1) I am finally back to working a FULL time J.O.B for now because it takes money to make money
2) I have committed to read at LEAST 10 pages a day of a good book dealing personal development or real estate; and listen to 20 minutes of positive audio
3) I will be joining Deans Real Estate Success Academy at the end of this month
4) I read my why commitment once per week or more when I feel like giving up
5) I promise myself to tell at least 1 person a day that I am getting into real estate investing.
* Because of step 5 I have began to build my real estate team. I was able to collect business cards from a mortgage broker, 2 real estate agents, 4 contractors, and a seller looking to sell 2 houses in a great part of town.

I know this was long but it's my first journal entry and I'm excited to see what 2011 has in store for me and the people I will be able to touch. It is just the beginning and we have all just started to venture into this new year. Don't let 2011 pass you by. Make that change and always remember anyone can do this business as long as you REMEMBER YOUR WHY!!
