Toronto Ontario Canada, can i still apply what i've learned?

Toronto Ontario Canada, can i still apply what i've learned?

Hello, i live in Toronto Ontario Canada, and i've recently purchased Dean's book and have gotten inspired. The only problem is i live in toronto and cant seem to find a legal document like the "investor disclosure agreement". So i am wondering if i can still lock properties on contract and pass them on to an investor or buyer legally for referring the seller's house , and still get the fee i would charge for my hard work. I wanted to know if anyone can help me out? I would really appreciate it so i know if im wasting my time or getting myself into illegal activity. Thank you for your time!


Canadian content

I'm new here and heard from Dean on FB that his strategies can work in our Canadian market. That said i'm not seeing much input on this post. Can anyone direct me to an area on this forum that supports Canadian and or cross-border investing?

I'm in Brantford

Hi there, also wondering if I can apply the Dean Graziosi techniques in Ontario. Is there anyone out there doing this.

I am also in Ontario

I am in the Kawartha Lakes region, so I am covering Peterborough, Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Fennlon Falls, Minden, Haliburton and the places inbetween.I think the techniques from Deans books to find houses and buyers and sellers work, its just the numbers that wil be different, so for example instead of being able to offer 30% below market value because of the house price differences between house prices here and the U.S, we can offer buyers 15%-20% below market value. You might find the odd desperate seller here and there with an "as-is" listing willing to take a low offer to get it off his hands but I think the numbers are the only difference. The way to find the buyers and sellers and do transactions are the done the same way as in the books. Any thoughts on that?


The person who can drive themselves further once the effort gets painful is the person who will win.