Speed up the loan process

Speed up the loan process

Financing is always so important when investing or even buying a property to live in. One thing you can do to speed up the process is to have all your paperwork in place when you are applying for a loan or a line of credit. One of the things that delays a loan closing is having to go back and forth with an underwriter to get needed papers in place. Here are some helpful tips to make sure that the "back and forth" with an underwriter is as minimal as possible.

When you apply for mortgage financing, you must provide the following documentation to the lender before your loan is granted:
• Name and address of landlord(s) for the past two years (if eligible).
• Proof of all income from the past 24 months (tax returns, pay stubs).
• Previous two years' W-2 forms.
• Copy of most recent year-to-date pay stub for all applicants.
• Proof of all deposit accounts, checking, savings, money market, IRA and brokerage accounts.
• Three months most recent statements for deposit accounts, stocks, bonds, etc.
• If you chose to include income from child support/alimony, copies of court records or cancelled checks showing receipt of payments.
• Legible sales contract signed by buyers and sellers (if you have already purchased a home).
Name, address, account number, monthly payment and current balance for:
• Installment loans (including student loans, auto loans, mortgage loans).
• Revolving charge accounts (home equity, credit cards).
If you are self-employed or paid by commission:
• Previous two years Federal Income Tax Returns with all schedules.
• Year-to-date profit and loss statement and balance sheet.
• Corporate tax returns and all schedules.
If you have filed bankruptcy in the last seven years:
• A copy of petition and discharge, handwritten explanation of the reason for bankruptcy, evidence of excellent credit since the bankruptcy.



Great work and good job in letting us no.


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I hope it helps

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Matt W.