When Mortgage Rates Rise, Will Home Prices Fall?

When Mortgage Rates Rise, Will Home Prices Fall?

Some investors suggested that home prices would fall after mortgage interest rates rose, adding further difficulties to those who might otherwise want to sell their homes and move.

Home prices, however, are not likely to fall after interest rates rise. There’s logic for thinking so, but it’s incomplete logic.

Here’s why home prices might be thought to fall. A house is a long-lived asset. The value of any such asset (real estate, stock share, or bond) is the sum of the future stream of cash flow or benefits, discounted by the interest rate. With higher interest rates, the discounting reduces the present value of those future income (or psychic benefit) streams.

A simpler way to think of it is that at higher interest rates, fewer people can qualify for mortgages to buy a home; even if they qualify, they may not want to make higher payments. (This sounds different, but it’s merely a simplification of my first explanation.)

How can this logic be wrong? Let’s start with history. The chart does not show too much of an inverse correlation, except maybe for the early 1980s. Here’s a table of changes. I took every case from 1976 through the present in which mortgage rates rose by one percentage point or more. I then looked at the FHFA’s Home Price Index for that period. It turns out that in every case, home prices rose over the period in which mortgage interest rates are rising.

The one time in which home prices were falling was a time when mortgage rates were also falling. So what’s wrong with the theory described above?

Interest rates on mortgages, bonds, and other long-term debt are not set by the whims of fairies. They are determined by two factors: inflation expectations and economic growth, which combine to set the supply and demand for credit. Mortgage rates only rise when people feel good about buying houses: inflation is pushing up home prices, and more people have jobs. The higher demand for housing pushes home prices up despite the higher mortgage rates.

Will it work the same way the next time around? The world is increasingly global. It’s possible that global demand for credit would be strong even though one country’s economy is soft. If we are an island of weak economics in a sea of economic strength, then we could see home prices go down with higher mortgage rates. However, it’s even more likely that global economic strength would lead to domestic economic strength, pushing home prices up.

Of all the things to worry about, don’t worry about rising mortgage rates pushing down home values.bconerly
