The best type of mortgage for you

The best type of mortgage for you

Whenever the average person on the street purchases a property, he will need a mortgage to finance the purchase of that property. The average mortgage stretches over an extremely long period. Sometimes as long as 30 years. As long as you are paying that mortgage the lending institution, keep your house as security against that mortgage.

In the event that you are unable to honor your repayments, the bank might foreclose and reclaim the property to recover the money that they have loaned to you for the purchase of that property.

It does happen from time to time especially in the current weak economic climate that the outstanding mortgage is higher than the value of your property. That is why it is so important to plan carefully before you invest in any property. It serves no purpose in the long term to purchase a property that is stretching your finances to extreme levels. That can always cause unwanted problems when you are no longer able to pay your mortgage.

Mortgages differ substantially

Very few mortgages are identical in nature or in scope. There are many variations among different types of mortgages. Therefore, it is so important to do your homework carefully before committing to a mortgage. Aiming to high can have severe implications should your luck run out. In other words no matter how desirable the property, if it is above your means do not be tempted, you might live to regret that decision.

There are actually two types of repayment options available to a mortgage holder. There are interest only mortgages, which mean that you are only paying off the interest, which may be cheaper monthly, but the problem is, you are only paying interest and nothing of the actual debt. The other option is the mortgage repayment option. With this option, you pay the interest also but a small amount will actually go towards paying off your debt. The last option might be more expensive but at least you have the knowledge that eventually your house will be paid for.

Repayment mortgages

Due to the slight difference between repayment mortgages and interest only mortgages, repayment mortgages are slightly different to calculate. Since with the repayment option you are paying a little more and therefore this option is a little more expensive.

Although for the first few years most of your payments will go towards paying interest, however after a couple of years you will see that the amount borrowed will begin to decrease monthly until eventually after completion of the agreed mortgage term your property will eventually be paid in full. anastasia


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