hard money lenders

hard money lenders

i am just getting started in illinois...want to do REO's...found 2 great deals!! i am not able to get financing for work and etc...is this my only option?? if not what else can i do?? i am very frustrated!! look forward to your comments!! anyone like to finance these deals???


Hard Money

When you are working with the lenders as the seller of the property, it will be a little difficult to Assign the Contract as they will have a non-assignability clause. If you were wanting to purchase the property yourself, you can borrow from your 401K (paying yourself back with interest) or a self directed IRA. With the market being down, using retirement money will not hurt. I would shop around for different Hard Money Lenders as some will finance rehab, depending on how far below fmv you are able to purchase it.


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