Are there any legitimate Hard Money Lenders here on the site that deal in the state of Pennsylvania? Dean, did you and your crew ever work out the HML idea you were talking about doing last month?
Bryant Slade
Are there any legitimate Hard Money Lenders here on the site that deal in the state of Pennsylvania? Dean, did you and your crew ever work out the HML idea you were talking about doing last month?
Bryant Slade
any comments on this topic???
Bryant Slade
Don't know about the site but google "hard money pennsylvania" and you'll have a few to choose from
Hi Steve....checked out your web site....a lot of good info there.
the info sounds good and I think I may just put it to the test and take him up on it. After all, "Nothing ventured, Nothing gained".
Bryant Slade
Thanks for the nice comments! We have many different programs depending on the borrower's needs.