Credit repair tips

Credit repair tips

Keeping your credit score up is important in this day and age because everything we buy on credit requires us to provide them with our credit report, giving the seller information about our ability to pay our bills on time. Not everyone is lucky to have a good credit report. There are many reasons why people may have bad credit, not all of the reasons may be their fault, but at the same time, it does not exclude anyone. People who sell items to people on credit do not want to hear excuses. If your credit is bad, there are things that you can do yourself in order to improve it. Here are a few credit repair tips that you can use to get your score up and improve your report.

The first thing you will want to do which has proven to be a valuable credit repair tip is that you find out exactly just what is on your report. You can either pay for your credit report or seek out places that will run a credit report on you for free. Today, there are many people who steal vital information from others in order to purchase things illegally. You may not be aware of this until your credit report is viewed by you or someone else. If you do have things on your credit report, make sure you contact the creditor as soon as possible in order to find out what is needed by you in order to remove the negative rating on your report. It may be something as simple as a letter in writing stating that you never purchased anything from them before.

If you are a person who has just gone through a recent divorce or separation, there might also be things listed on your report that your spouse has purchased and it does not reflect you. If this is the case, because you were married, you may need to follow up with your divorce decree to see if it mentions anything related to debts incurred while you were married. Again, it is just a matter of contacting the creditor to find out the information needed in order to remove it. Many people fail to heed this credit repair tip and will just leave the item on their report not realizing that the negative listing decreases your score.

If you have not been through a divorce, have no items listed on your report that are not your purchases, but have items on your report that have been paid off, another credit repair tip is to contact the creditor and let them know that you are disputing the claim. With the right information in hand as proof that the purchases was cleared, you can take advantage of this credit repair tip by having the item removed. Most companies will be glad to do so at no extra charge.

Article by Candy Wilson



I my self have good credit. However my husband lost a sub division and had a judgement put against him. So for that reason is unable to get a loan. How would he go about getting that removed. This was back in 2005. He has never had any legal action. He wrote a letter to the lender to have his name removed but the lender did not reply.
How do we go about getting it removed?

Marie & Ross