Great deal going to auction in a few do I find a buyer asap.

Great deal going to auction in a few do I find a buyer asap.

I found a bank owned property in the SF Bay area worth 200,000, it is going to auction in a few days and has a starting bid at 39,000. How do I find a buyer or financing asap? Is there anyone willing to walk me through this?


A good collection of knowledge!

Mark K wrote some good treads that you can use Posted on: Thu, 08/11/2011 #397

Just follow what he writes.. I'm sure that will help you a lot with very good tips

Good Luck... and don't give up!!!



Please take moment and fill out your profile info-tell us a little about you and where you are.

If you're planning to go to the auction, have a pocket of cash or cashier check. The bidding may start at $39k but will rise quickly as each bidder is there wants the property.

The auction itself is a GREAT place to find BUYERS, after all they are cash buyers, so talk to them b4 and after the auction and tell them you find deals 30-70% below fmv and get their info,types they want and where.


Mike Free tools

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