Pocahontas On The Pass To Success

Pocahontas On The Pass To Success

I figure I will start with assignment of contract deals after reading one of Deans books. I'm looking forward to the 30 days cash book.

Let me tell you I am soooo insecure with this but I'm pushing through the fear.

Joyce Meyers gave advice one time and said, do it afraid. So that's what I'm doing. I think if I don't get anything out of this but learning to be confident and grow personally I will be happy.

Now for the real talk...my fears don't out way my ambitious! I must do something. I have to change my lifestyle and secure my future for me and my children so I HAVE TO TRY!

Assignment --- is it better to use an agent for this?
Do I need an attorney?
How do they get paid and when so I can write it in contract?
How do I disclose my intentions without sounding like a shark?
Where can I get the best forms besides what Dean provides?
How and where I do write the clauses in the contract so I have an exit?

Wheeewww! So much but I'm more excited then overwhelmed.


Do it scared, but NOT unprepared!

Carol Stinson is famous for the 1st part of this quote, I added the 2nd. If you haven't already, get the rest of Dean's books and read them. Any one on its own is fine, but the more you know, the less you fear. Here's your answers...

1) NO. In fact, it's almost impossible to use an agent for this. Mostly because "they don't know a brick from a bike" when it comes to assignments. Don't even say the word in their presence - they've been trained to be ignorant and rude when they hear it because they think you're trying to do their job without a license (AKA: ruin their profession). Which of course, couldn't be farther from the truth, but YOU try convincing an overpaid salesman you're not his competition, and see what happens.

2) YES. At least to check your documents to make sure you're following the laws for your state. Every state is different.

3) Don't know who you're referring to. Assignments are mostly done with FSBO's, so there's no salespeople to pay. Your attorney will require payment either immediately before or after providing his services.

4) See your other post, which I already answered. Best way to do it, is to not act, think, or talk like one. Also, make sure you use the "Investor Disclosure Agreement" Dean provides on this site and in his books.

5) The forms on this site will suffice for most people most of the time. Show them to your attorney, and let him make any necessary changes. Money VERY well spent.

6) Read the books. They tell you that in there.

Posting basic questions here will get you answers, but expecting others to explain what Dean already has will get caustic and jaded responses from vets, crickets from everyone else, and questions that have nothing to do with your question from other newbies.

Do it scared, but NOT unprepared. Every REI veteran can agree on one thing: The worst thing you can do, is try this business blind. Best of luck to you... Laughing out loud


Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."

Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."