Just trying to put it all together!

Just trying to put it all together!

Real Estate truly is a passion! Otherwise, we would never keep pushing forward with the many ups and downs we go through. Each deal, good or bad, is another building block in our "Real Estate DNA". Something just keeps driving me to figure out how to put it all together and come full circle. That is my goal. I get how to find deals, how to get financing conventional and thinking outside the box, etc. I know how to get them remodeled and rented. What I don't know is how to get rid of them! So here I am at DG's website after watching a TV ad and buying his book, which I only skimmed through and then misplaced when I moved. I got a few e-mails from Dean and instead of deleting them, saved them for several months, just skimming through the site from time to time when I had a few minutes. But now out of desperation, I am reading what everyone has to say and I have come to realize that every time I ask God to show me what to do and how, he keep bringing me back to this site for a good reason. I was just too busy trying to figure it out on my own to see the light! I hope to find many answers and friends by being a part of this site. AND I plan to learn how to get rid of the properties I have and then I'll do it all over again, but with a lot more knowledge this time around. FULL CIRCLE. The more that goes wrong the more determined I am to figure this whole thing out! My faith is in God and Dean's Website. We are all in this together. I still LOVE Real Estate. I just don't like what I am going through right now.




Have you seen DEANS story about AUCTIONS?

Advertise in the largest area News Paper. (2 weeks ahead) Sat. or Sun. 1-5



You will need to prepare with FORMS for bidding and plenty of signs to direct traffic to your OPEN HOUSE...


jbleess wrote:I have come to

jbleess wrote:
I have come to realize that every time I ask God to show me what to do and how, he keep bringing me back to this site for a good reason. I was just too busy trying to figure it out on my own to see the light!


I feel the same way, except that I have only now found this site.

It was a year ago, around this same time period when my boyfriend who was laid off at the time said to me, 'Do you really think some day we will dig our selves out of all this and actually start our own business?' (he was referring to our dream of buying houses, flipping and renting them.)

My response was, 'Absolutely! God did not give us this love and passion for homes, design, and renovating for nothing! I know when the time is right God will show us the way to go we just have to have faith.'

Here we are! LOL!


You can't save the world but you can offer a hand up to a few along your way.