My name is Bob Ross, I want to set this club up because I feel its important to talk about what Dean teaches and answer question we all might have about investing, maybe at times we could meet at a park have a bbq have fun and tell one another our stories about what we know and how we have been successful through deans program. I feel we all could learn a few subjects that we were not aware of.
I would like to start something up like that here. I checked with a REI club that was listed on a website and the "president" never returned my emails. I'm in the 5-cities area.
BRE #01956371
I was just contacted today by a Real Estate Broker who runs a REI club in San Diego. The Broker wants to put one together here on the Central Coast since this is where she and her husband are from. There are no other REI clubs in this area so its a great opportunity for anyone else who is in this area to get one started. Get back to me if anyone else is interested so we can get this off the ground FAST!!!!!
BRE #01956371
It sounds very interesting the broker I use said if we start a club we could use his conference room
That sounds good. She's going to get back to me soon about the format of the meetings and other details. I sent you a PM too Bob.
BRE #01956371
Sounds awesome!!!