To Dean

To Dean

Dean I hope you get this and read.

I went to the link with time left and low and behold the system said SOLD OUT. I apologize but was waiting on funds to purchase. I had to wait till i received my check, and now i find that i wont even be able to purchase this great system. I have tried to do this
business through all your teachings and even spent countless dollars on your books, system and all my heart and soul into believing in you to come through and even more
importantly that i could once and for all get this damn business off the ground and now i can't. As you say stay positive but at this point i see no positives in this sudden quick move to just cancel well before the deadline of midnight hell its only 11;30 here in Cincinnati Ohio.
I am not sure i should of even put my name on the waiting list but i did in hopes that you
find it in your heart for one last chance to a kid who has grown up way worse than you.
I am originally from Tennessee and born into welfare, FDIC checks just to live. My mother never held a job, we moved one year 19 times just to get away from my real father.
My real father held a gun to my head, my step father who was a convicted murderer ended up stabbing me twice, and to top all that off my mother passed away in the middle of the night with a cardiac arrest. I woke to find her at seven thirty. My brother and I have been through so much that real estate is the only way i feel in my heart to provide the big wealth my family deserves to not be the rich so rich just to be rich, i want to use my money to help others and be a symbol of God and to give back like you, like trump and like my adoptive parents. Dean this is it for me, my last chance to actually get this biz off the ground. So please find it in your heart to allow me to purchase this program so that i may once again have the hope to become "Set For Life."

Thanks for everything



Shawn, If you are serious


If you are serious that you think this is your last chance, then send me a private message. Click "Send PM" below my picture so we can talk. I think what you need most right now is someone to take that journey step-by-step with you. I haven't done my first deal yet, and I know that I can't afford to buy Dean's "Set for Life" system...yet. Shawn, if you've made it this far, you have only a little distance left to go. We'll carry each other if need be. As much as the knowledge Dean offers, the reality checks and encouragement the forums give, an equally important part is a partner, even if it's only a virtual partner, someone climbing the same mountain. We may not have come from the same origin, but we're heading for the same destination. Please PM me.



"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53

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