Looking for Partners in Maryland

Looking for Partners in Maryland

Hello everyone, I'm a recent student of the Success Academy, and have been going at it for the past month and a half. I'm currently trying to do some wholesale deals (had my first property under contract earlier this week), but have also been looking towards my options in buy and holds and flips. My credit is good, but my debt/income ratio is not which has been a problem of mine when trying to get mortgages for homes I'm interested in. For this reason, I'm looking for any other fellow DGers in the Maryland (particularly Baltimore) area, who may be interested in partnering for a few deals. I look forward to meeting any fellow investors in the area!





I am just finishing my first DG book.I still don't really understand all
the info and will be reading it again starting today.I live in Baltimore and would be very interested in meeting up and perhaps learning a few things from you.


Jeffrey Groh