Looking for a partner in Baltimore,Md area

Looking for a partner in Baltimore,Md area

Looking for a partner who is ready to play the game. I am looking to do rehabs in baltimore county and anne arundle county. I have a team of people in different fields but the majority of the work will be done by brother in law and myself as we have 25 years experience doing this. We want a partner who want to get this under way asap. We would like to talk and see if we could form a good relationship with someone with the same desires but has a hard time to get started or already playing in the game and wants some new players. Hope to here from someone interested. We are members of Baltimore REIA and are always looking.



Hi.I am also interested in having a partner to work with.I live in Baltimore city and will work very hard to get in the game.I have a lot of contacts and am trying to build a buyers list.I belong to the meet up group and will be joining other groups as well.


Jeffrey Groh