Cake Joy 364 Myrtle Ave Brooklyn, NY
November 16, 2011 7pm Sharp
This informative workshop will explain the home buying process as well as answer all questions regarding
1. The importance of Good Credit 2. Mortgage and other financing options 3. Buying Now v Later 4. What to do in times of distress
Danrich Family Homes
Continental Home Loans
Complimentary cupcakes courtesy of Cake Joy
Complimentary refreshments of Kiki's Kickin' Sangria
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Cake Joy
364 Myrtle Ave
Brooklyn, NY
November 16, 2011
7pm Sharp
This informative workshop will explain the home buying process
as well as answer all questions regarding
1. The importance of Good Credit
2. Mortgage and other financing options
3. Buying Now v Later
4. What to do in times of distress
Danrich Family Homes
Continental Home Loans
Complimentary cupcakes courtesy of Cake Joy
Complimentary refreshments of Kiki's Kickin' Sangria
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