House Criteria

House Criteria


I have read Dean's book, Profit From Real Estate Right Now, three times. I have begun implementing his no money down strategies. I have a few possibly good leads on real estate agents who support these strategies. I am about to fire off emails to these agents and I want to include a certain level of house criteria in my initial communication. I know I need to target a certain price point and those niches where homes sell most frequently. I can determine this by leveraging my agent's experience. I wonder though, does anybody have recommendations on a certain amount of sq footage to target, or year of build to which I should draw a line in the sand? For example, no homes built prior to 1950? Maybe for lead paint or whatever reason... 3 bdrm minimum? 1-2 bath? Any comments are appreciated. Thanks!

Jeff Helmer


Dean and Matt's Live Blog

I am posting the link here, and I suggest to watch and take notes. It's a little over an hour long, but it's new and it was done a week or 2 before Edge 2012. It has all the things you should be trying to get from your team members, which will answer these questions and more. I wish I could remember everything ~ I might have to watch it again, but I know it's in there, and it's also in the yellow 30 days to Real Estate Cash book.

Thank you! This was very

Thank you! This was very helpful.


Anytime! That's what we're here for ~ To help when we needed. Keep us posted on everything!


You want to build your buyers list, and then you look for what your buyers will buy; if you have an investor who likes 2bedrooms/1 bath, you want to look for that...

however, if you don't have buyers yet, and you want to lock up a property, a 3 bed/2bath, with between 1200sqft-1500sqft seems to be the easiest to find buyers for... the year it was built will depend on your area... also keep in mind the schools, crime, city growing?



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Makes sense... It would be a

Makes sense... It would be a shame to find a great deal and not be prepared with potential buyers. I will post some ads today. This brings me to another question.. Obviously those houses listed for more below FMV will sell easier than those closer to FMV. Through your experience, at what percentage of FMV do the buyers really snatch up these properties? I've been thinking about 10% off FMV? That should allow room for a reasonable price for a truly notified seller and a generous profit on my end as well. Thoughts? Is it a good idea to claim I often sell homes to buyers for 10% off appraisal value in my buyer targeted marketing campaign? (Or whichever percentage I choose to set my houses).

Thank you, Jeff