Bandit Signs Illegal

Bandit Signs Illegal

It looks like bandit signs are illegal in a lot of cities now. What have you guys done when you come across a city ordinance that states that bandit signs are illegal? What if you already placed bandit signs everywhere?


Have you noticed

well it is fine if you are running for office right!! you can't have it both ways is how I see it. I just take pics when I see them next to mine and if the call me of stop me I whip it pic out and say why can't we all be the same here. Never has been an issue since. Good luck to you and bandit on..

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

In my real estate investing career I've posted thousands of bandit signs and have only had a couple people get mad that I was putting them out. You're really at the mercy of taking a chance of running into someone that for whatever reason doesn't like it or that you run into a city worker that's code enforcement. At the end of the day why does code enforcement care? Because it's a way to manage the cleanliness and reputation of a town. If they weren't illegal then there would be 100's of signs everything from everyone and it would be a mess.

Just post 10 at a time in different areas to get a feel of who makes it a big deal and who doesn't. Only put one or two in busy intersections at most once you do find that really good part of town that doesn't care. You want them to be seen but not an eye sore. Just make sure you use a Google Voice number or get a TracFone so nobody traces where you live. You'll get crazy calls from kids prank calling at times. It's all about piece of mind but my best tip is, The mindset you have when putting them out is going to pull in the same type of calls. If you post your signs in anxiety, fear and worry. You'll have a terrible time getting sellers calls. If you put them out as if nobody cared and you're doing a good thing, you'll have fun and get deals off of them.


Adam Macias


Thanks so much Adam. Your professional and thoughtful reply really helped put things in a more useful perspective. Now all I have to do is figure out what part of town I want to post them. How did you decide what zip codes you wanted to target?


Thanks KEB64. You're right, I definitely looked for election signs when I posted them...


You definitely must be strategic with where you post your signs but at the same time. Thousands are going to see your signs and they may not have a house for sale in the specific area you posted them in. Best rule of thumb is focus on TRAFFIC. Where around your area is banging with traffic? Post them on the busy intersections and shopping centers of your areas. Malls, Wal Marts, Restaurants. Where people are going on a daily basis. Don't spread them all over the place. Focus on a zip code worth of a radius at most in the beginning. I hope this makes sense and helps. I've posted thousands of signs all over my town to where the city got involved and told me if they ever catch me I'm going to court lol. That's when I said okay, it's a bad thing to do that but I never got anyone made at me if it was 25 in a small area. Because then it just seems like a one time campaign and you're only doing this for the weekend.


Adam Macias