Trouble Building my Buyers List

Trouble Building my Buyers List


Ive been building my buyer's list through my website but it appears that the majority of the indivuals that signed up are also wholesaling and are building their list as well. They appear to be new in Real Estate as I am. How can I get around this?? How can I attract landlord and investors that are ready to purchase now.


Esmirna Maloon

I would go to a local

I would go to a local auction and watch whose bidding on the properties. The people who are bidding are the people with the $$. You can also get your realtor to pull up "Cash solds" in your area and see whose buying and how much they are buying. You can also cotact your local rental management companies and see if they can refer you to some of their clients who are actively buying.

These strategies have worked for me, plus I know for sure these
people have the cash to buy.

Press on



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"

Awesome! I will try that.

Awesome! I will try that. Thanks for your feedback!!!!


Esmirna Maloon