Automated System VS. Your cell phone !?!?

Automated System VS. Your cell phone !?!?

Okay people, I know DG is all about using automation with the automated hotline. I am a big fan of it as well and have been using it for over a year now.

However, 99.9% of the big time local investors and many other guru investors I have done courses though preach extremely hard against using an automated phone system.

My lead generation has dried up substantially. I have a 888# and a very detailed in depth automated answering system. If is super convenient for me but not so much for sellers.

How does everyone feel about this topic and if people have tried both the automated system and your cell/work number, what got better results?



Life is for the living!

Sean Brooks
Nationwide Housing Group, LLC

I don't have personal

I don't have personal experience, but here are some ideas that I've learned on here and through Dean's programs.

Matt Larsen said in a web call not long ago, that you loose 15% of the calls that you don't answer personally right when they call.

In regards to automation, you could have people call within a certain time frame so it's not so inconvenient.

If you continue using automation, you could have a message below the phone number stating that it's a free recording or something like that, and then in the recording state how they can get a hold of you. This would weed people out.

Good luck.