

Our success in real estate and in life for that matter often is the consequence of our beliefs and attitudes. Eliminate self-defeating attitudes and beliefs because they will only hurt you. "Can Do," optimistic, and self-starter attitudes are the signs of a winner. It does not pay to go into a funk over lost deals,or rejections. Depression just slows you down. It pays to develop your will to the point that you become an inner directed individual.John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil, and one to the wealthiest men in America kept his own counsel. He did not require the approbation of others to gain success or feel good about himself. He had developed an internal set of standards that governed his actions and to which he was responsible. Attitudes, to a large extent are a consequence of our beliefs, so it pays to hold positive, and ultrmately productive beliefs. Perhaps the one key attitude that seperates successful people from the pack is persistence. Persistence will alway win over talent. Vince Lobardi once said that "the difference in men is in energy, in strong will, in the settled pupose and in invincible determination." If you stay at something long enough, you will prevail. Winners, truly, never quit, and quitters never win.



I am new too, and it is real nice to read how others are taking thia as well. I am still nervous, how has things been going for you?

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

Ranjana, Chris, and all newbies....welcome.

When it comes to attitude I speak from the heart. Being sattled with all my disibilities I still manage to cope. Reading my bio or journal may give you some insight. Stil not sure? PM me. I don't let diabetes, diabetic retonoothy, neuropathy, kidney failure, being stuck in a rehab / nursing facility hold me back.

Stay the course and you too will make it. Happy investing.


"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi

Rick Cooper Investments

My journal:
My website:
Linkedin profile:


Wow Rick you sure are busy! I like your weekly updates, it had me see how much i will need to do to get started. I have a baby(11months old) so i was worried about utilizing my time. But, if you can manage! So can i!

I hope you are doing better this week:)

I think i may join th SA AND REALLY PUT MY ALL INTO THIS! Well, with my husband by my side of course;)

Change always is hard for me at first, but i do always manage afterwards.

Thank you for your time.


Great inspiration

The more I read.....the more I want to read!!!!! Great website and great people. Thanks.


Thank you! It's great to have 'family' who shares their thoughts and inspirations! And pulling us to grow!

"Change is Life Giving. It helps us grow into someone greater than we already are."


Enjoy your day!

"I feel alive when I'm being creative." "I want to use my talents in a way that will be fun, fulfilling, and really profitable."