Amazing Deal.

Amazing Deal.

Hotel in Central Florida Big vacation spot.
252 Units full service restaurant ect Perfect working condition.
Property was appraised in mid 2010 for $3.5 Million
I have Financials and appraisal in hand.
and here is the amazing deal.

When the property was appraised they did not include the additional 102 unfinished units that are a separate entity but part of the hotel.

Long Story short the property was appraised last week on
04/12/12 FOR OVER $6 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Owner is very ill and he wants to get rid of the property fast. I have found a few buyers but all are struggling to get the money together.

AMAZING DEAL FOR $4,000.000.00 CASH...


Is that the one in Winter

Is that the one in Winter Haven?