25:1 strategies

25:1 strategies

Just wanted to let DG family that I just got my first REA today and he will be sending me listings. I just followed Dean's step-by-step system. It can be done! Thanks Dean and Matt for all the help and inspiration. Cindy


Wanted: a house to buy or rent in North Carolina

I am seeking someone to partner with that has access to a house that can be bought or a house that can be rented out possibly with the option to buy it. I have a client that is in need of this and the locatioon they want it in is Asvhille, NC, Tyrone, Black Mountain, or Hendersonville, North Carolina area. Time is of the essence and I thought why not try Deans site out to see if we can make this happen. I can be reached at 239-823-4101 in Florida. THE CLIENT JUST SOLD HER HOUSE AND IS ACTING DESPERATE. Thanks, Ron