Deal 3 - A Bolt from the Blue

Deal 3 - A Bolt from the Blue

I made a pitch 2 weeks ago a the MNREIA meeting... send me your deals and I will get you a buyer. I may have overstated my position a little, because I said within 48 hours... but that's if i have a buyer who is pre-qualified for the property.

But a guy who heard my pitch sent me a deal he'd been working on, had sold and his buyer's financing fell thru... that was like last Thurs. Today I mentioned it to one of my colleagues and he said LOCK IT UP LOCK IT UP!

So I did. We close on Tues. Just doing the offer paperwork now. Smiling

Deal 3 just fell into my lap today, and the closing is actually sooner than the closings on any of my properties. I'll get $2,900 from this one on Tuesday and $2,000 from deal 2 on Weds. And Deal 2 will bring in some residuals over the the next couple months as well.

I wrote more about the change in fortune this brings in my investor journal. Here's a link to that post:

THIS STUFF WORKS. GO, DO, PROFIT. Money may not bring happiness, but it sure does bring options. Smiling



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