Wanna quick and inexpensive tip to improve those Musty Nasty Dark Basements? This will make a big difference when you are wanting to improve the sell"ability" of a home without having to put in major costs of completely rehabbing basements.
When you come across a property that you are flipping and you want to get in and out of the property quickly but the dungeon basement that is full of cobwebs, musty smells, and dark menacing walls is keeping people from seeing the true potential of the basement.
Do this quick trick. Get a 5 gallon of KILZ primer from Home Depot or Lowes. and take a paint sprayer down there and spray the walls, floors, and ceilings of the basement a nice clean white. This will kill all the musty smells and encapsulate them into the wall, will also stop the moisture from coming through as well, and instead of looking down into the dark dungeon of fear, you can look down to a bright clean basement that can be showcased for what it is for. Great storage space or even potential living space.
People will actually walk down the stairs to see the potential, instead of just peeking down and saying, yikes, I don't want to catch something by walking down there. Just a few bucks for an amazing return!
Happy Investing.
Matt W.
Hi Coach and thanks for sharing, Jim
Wish I had known that when I was trying to sell a house with a basement just like what you described. Everytime I went down there, I was afraid I would be eaten alive by bugs and spiders!!
thanks for the tip. I'll know next time!
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.
thanks for the tip, been using white paint in closets, garages and other dark spots to lighten things up.
It's so awesome to hear that all of you are getting great results from this little trick. That is the coolest thing that fellow investors can work together and share ideas and tricks to help each other to be more effective and make more money by doing more deals. that is why I love this forum so much. So many people talk about the idea that investors are competing with each other out there and that simply does not have to be the case. Instead, work together, learn together, improve together, and get this country out of this recession together. keep working hard and if you ask nicely, maybe I'll share my secret that can get rid of pet smells, including Cat urine out and even fool other pets.
Happy Investing.
Matt w.
I would really like to know the secret to getting rid of pet smells because that is a BIG turnoff, especially cat urine!! (Was that nice enough?)
Thanks for sharing!
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.