Just a few facts that might be useful that you should know about your agent or any agent you might work with. I thought it highly interesting the amount of home sales from a Realtors website. I think you will as well.
Hours worked by all REALTORS® (nationwide): 40 per week
Gross personal income by hours worked: $49,000 (median for 40-59 hrs.)
Percent of business generated by REALTOR® personal web site (all REALTORS®):
Just a few facts that might be useful that you should know about your agent or any agent you might work with. I thought it highly interesting the amount of home sales from a Realtors website. I think you will as well.
Hours worked by all REALTORS® (nationwide): 40 per week
Gross personal income by hours worked: $49,000 (median for 40-59 hrs.)
Percent of business generated by REALTOR® personal web site (all REALTORS®):
Zero: 34%
6-10%: 16%
11-25%: 11%
26-50%: 6%
26-50%: 5%
Real estate experience of all REALTORS® (median): 11 years
REALTORS® by gender: Male 40%; Female 60%
Formal education of REALTORS®:
Some college: 31%
Associate degree: 11%
Bachelor's degree: 29%
High school graduate: 9%
Graduate degree and above: 11%
Some graduate school: 8%
Sides per agent: For all REALTORS® in 2011, the typical brokerage specialist completed 10 transaction sides or commercial deals
Median tenure at present firm (all REALTORS®): 6 years
REALTOR® affiliation with firms:
Independent contractor: 81%
Employee: 6%
Other: 13%
Source: 2012 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile