Doing a rental hands off

Doing a rental hands off

I hired an assistant a few months ago and she has really been working out very well. I have been managing my properties locally just because that is what I have always done. Well not any more.
My assistant did all the work. Fixing up the place took 1 week and she had it rented in 2 1/2 weeks. the best part is, my previous tenant paid and left early so we had the extra time to get things done.

My assistant handled everything from fixing, placing the ads, taking the calls, showing the place, and actually signing the lease agreement with them. I haven't even met the couple that is moving in. WOW that was just awesome. I feel with her assistance and my partner we are going to have a lot of opportunities this year.

I'm excited for this coming year. We all need to change our lives this year for the better through real estate.

Thanks Dean


I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!

As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013

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