Tips for Colorado tax lien sales

Tips for Colorado tax lien sales

Colorado every year has their tax lien sales Oct-Jan for the most part.
Colorado's annual interest is 10%
These sales are on a county level, most counties in CO will have auctions where you have to be there in person, though some will be online at these websites. &
Also when the auctions are over across the state, they will sell them first come first serve (over the counter)
The Auctions in CO are premium bid auctions which means highest bidder wins.
The premiums do not get redeemed or build interest.
so example
if the value of the lien is 1000$ & I win it for 1200$
That premium amount of 200$ will not get redeemed back or build interest, the lien will redeem 1000$ + interest. Thus I'm probably going to lose money.
Tip I suggest when bidding on liens in CO is never bid more then 1% of the value. So again if the value of the lien is 1000$ I would never bid more then 1010$.
If you are interested in liens in CO , feel free to message me or reply


My First Post - Great tip.

Great tip!
I hope to use it in the future. Just getting started this week.