Getting phone numbers from Cash Buyers Lists

Getting phone numbers from Cash Buyers Lists

Do you have access to cash buyers list with names and addresses, but no phone numbers? The best way I have found to turn a name and mailing address into a phone number is If they have a listed number it is free, but if not you can pay $15/moonth for access to where they will give you cell numbers and email addresses if they are available.

Personally I prefer to get someone on the phone because I will have a much better chance to get them interested than relying on letters or postcards which would cost more in the long run and only have a 1-2% response rate.

Hope this helps,




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I agree w Dave

You are much better served speaking with a potential business partner on the phone or in person than via mail and e-mail. I order of preference: in person > on phone > e-mail > mail. Happy hunting.

A couple more options

A few more options to try to get a phone number from a name and address are and If the buyer is a corporation you can always try to find the registered agent information on the corporation from the state they are registered in and then use the registered agents name and address to try to find a phone number. Hope that helps.