Insiders Event in California

Insiders Event in California

Hi Everyone,My name is Rick, and I love this site, love to read everything you guys have to say.

With that said...I attended the Insiders Edge Event, here in California, So I was thrilled to hear that you guys were holding a wealth building workshop, Loved it! but what you guys where offering I couldnt afford ='(. I stayed there just listening to the guest speakers from 6pm till 10pm, and yes I know that is a long time, especially since I dragged my sister, who really didnt want to be there, but did it out of love for me, cause she believed in me that I believe in Dean. I learned some good knowledge(Nothing that I can put to use at the moment), and was really psyched to hear that Dean was bestowing people with his books, that were in PDF format which I didnt mind at all, since my thoughts were that I would love to learn a few techniques and apply them, and after I made a few bucks, I still would have love to have bought the actual books from here(To have something tangible), but I got home and was discourage to learn that I have no way to obtain the PDF books, All I got was the DVD, a Camera, and a voucher to a website to do things with foreclosure's, which I cant do much since I dont got a credit card...So is there anyway I can get those PDF book files? I'd really like to get them, and enlighten myself with that know how, I would love to be on here knowing what Im talking about and be one of the folks that also helps people. DG family is awesome and I admire them.

Thanks for the gifts Dean, I really am greateful for them, And for the oportunity to let us attend your workshop. Dean is a great guy, I see it in you guys here.

If your wondering why I just dont buy the books? Well I would but I dont have money, I still rely on my parents even though, Im old enough to move out, I have bad luck at jobs(No one seems to want to hire me, It depresses me, I think not graduating high school is a huge factor in that ='[ ), Everytime I see Dean on TV selling his books, I clinche cause I really want the books but have no way to buy it(It frustrates me), I dont ask my parents for money for two reasons, 1.)Im 23...They give me a place and food even though they struggle to, cause the only person that works is my father and my mother is a stay at home mom(Her money is running out), cause she was injured at work. 2.)Same reason as num 1...and I am really tired of seeing my dad work his butt off at a job he really hates but does it cause he needs to, I would LOVE to help them out financially(We're going broke and thats really not a joke...).

If there is no way that I can get those PDFs, No worries I will keep trying to collect money and I WILL BUY those books one way or another. Thanks again, God bless you guys.

Hope I get out of this rut of mine! Before its too late. Hope I get hired somewhere soon.




sorry for the double post

Im really sorry for the double post, My computer is slow and it led me to believe that I did not submit it...My true apologies for that.

If this can be deleted, I would appreciate it.

God Bless you guys and good night.

once more sorry.

Maybe try the library?

I don't know if Dean's books are in the library, but you could try. Also, you can put the disk into your CD ROM or DVD drive and pull up the files that way. If you don't have a computer at home, you can use the one at the library.

How are you at taking tests? I say this because in 10th grade I took the proficiency exam for school so I could go to college early (GED) (I also stayed in HS for the social element, but I was only 15). It is equivalent to a HS diploma. Maybe you could try to take the test so you don't have that looming over you! Without knowing much about your situation it would be a start in the right direction. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to, and do it without any money. That's exactly what Dean did!