Ivy League Investor

All About Ivy League Investor

Columbus, Georgia..Home to Fort Benning the largest Infantry Base.
About Me: 

I am looking toward making this my everyday way of life. I had bad experiences in California while working for Mortgage Brokers. When I moved back to Georgia 2 years ago, I planned to never consider Real Estate again. But I can't help it!! I love making deals, I love projects and I love helping people. So hearing the Informercial made me dream again. I'm so afraid of failure that I won't tell my friends and family that I am doing this. We'll keep it a secret until they asked why I look so happy. Smiling

I love reading and I love business. I can spend hours in a bookstore (max is usually 4 hours) and its always to look at business/ real estate investment books.

Topics I've Participated In

FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 40 weeks ago

Basic Info

Production Manager with Banctec
No Children
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Greetings Everyone

I am ready to try everything Dean is offering in a step by step plan. I haven't recieved my book yet but trust me when it gets here I will read it from front to back cover. I plan to start this weeks assignment first thing Tuesday morning. Have a great day tomorrow!!!
Ivy League Investor


Hi Vonda,
I like to welcome the new people when I see them. I appreciated being welcomed, and there are a lot of encouragers on this site. Some good advice is to spend time talking/writing to them, and limit your time with discouragers as much as possible. There's a story of one that was trying to climb a gigantic pole. As people down below kept yelling that he would never make it, and to come down before he fell down and killed himself, he just kept looking up and climbing to the goal he wanted to achieve at the top. People were amazed when he finally reached the top safely. They were also surprised when they later found out that the main reason he did, was because he was deaf. Pas. Greg

Thanks for the Welcome


Thanks for the encouraging words. I am a positive person and I am so happy to see that you guys are like wise.

Have a great Holiday weekend!!!