Hello Bruce,
I have a $500 million Oil and Gas deal that needs funding.
I would like to speak with you.
Feel free to contact me at 512-202-7052 and kdnicholsster@****
Thanks and the very best,
Kurt Nichols
I am curious about rate and terms I have sixty three properties and that I own and rent with several more I would like to acquire. I have a couple million net worth good credit 175k year job just to much debt for conventional banks.
Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap. God bless you always. Keep up the good work.
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Oil and Gas Funding
Hello Bruce,
I have a $500 million Oil and Gas deal that needs funding.
I would like to speak with you.
Feel free to contact me at 512-202-7052 and kdnicholsster@****
Thanks and the very best,
Kurt Nichols